Basic Services​

Deep tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage reaches deeper layers of muscles.

It is used to break down knots and relieve pressure points throughout the body, reduce stress hormone levels and heart rate while boosting mood and relaxation.

Beneficial for athletes, people who sit for long periods of time and who are suffering from chronic muscle tension and pain.

Sports​ Massage

Sports Massage is used at sporting events to help athletes performance and to help prevent injury.

It may improve muscle recovery and decrease muscle soreness after exertion.

When performing a sports treatment our goal is returning you to your desired sports activity with the same or ideally better level of function.

Relaxation​ Massage

Relaxation massage is provided to reduce overall stress and tension in the body, with an emphasis on techniques that feel pleasurable to receive and which facilitate a period of deep rest and recovery for the body.

Our relaxation treatment can help you relax and recover from the stresses of daily life.

Pregnancy​ Massage

Many women enjoy the skilled care of a massage therapist to help to alleviate back, neck, and shoulder pain associated with changes in the body during pregnancy. Benefits are increased circulation & enhanced well-being, relaxation of tense muscles, relieve sore spots, improve circulation & well being.