This rejuvenating treatment is performed WITHOUT the use of chemicals. This personalized treatment has huge health and wellbeing benefits, calming the mind and reducing stress.
It begins with a touch from the head to scalp where acupressure points start to induce relaxation and boost blood circulation from head to the rest of the body. Then followed by a gentler and slower face massage where energy lines and pressure points are stimulated to increase blood and oxygen circulation to revitalize the face.
Finally, long deep strokes with pressure points are applied on the neck and shoulder which signals a reprogramming of the cells that causes tight muscles to relax. Doing so allows the therapist to restore the positive energy and eliminates pain, stress and muscle tension, also treat the symptoms, and simultaneously address any underlying imbalances and conditions including those that contribute to the aging process, such as stress, anxiety, headaches. Make an appointment with your Edmonton massage therapist.