A massage therapy for children is a complementary and alternative treatment that uses the sense of touch. The sense of touch is a fundamental human need and is one of the first senses that a newborn develops.

As part of growing up, kids are into a lot of activities like playing outdoors, indulging on electronic devices, schools and bonding with families and friends. These activities and daily life chores can trigger minor injuries that lead to pain and discomfort and often lead to sleep disturbance that impedes the growth and development of children.

Massage for kids gives a lot of benefits whether physically, mentally and emotionally that is great for their well-being. Some of the benefits are:

  • Promotes overall growth and development
  • Enhances sleep quality
  • Improves digestion
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Reduce anxiety and depression symptoms
  • Reduction in aggressive behavior, improvement on attention and more

Our registered massage therapists are well trained to handle massage for kids. We have space themed and other rooms that surely will entice the kids to feel relaxed and enjoy their massage session. A great way to bond also is to do it together with parents. We recommend booking for a relaxation massage or sports massage for kids who are active in sports related activities.